let's be kafkaesque today
let's be afraid of bureaucracy today. let's see world as scary, with the oddest combination of colours making no sense. let's giggle at adults making no sense with their owerly sofisticated words.
let's not try to make sense for once - let's just simlply look at things and fears and let's not analyze it, just purely accept it.
let's lose everything we already have - lock ourselves in a room as bugs, and not resist or fight against what's wrong , let's make it a part of our identities.
let's watch our friends leave us - each one by one finding more meaningful and better things to do than wasting their time with us. let's not care what happens to us anymore.
let's lie about who we are and not invest any time in proving people's opinions wrong. let's adjust to it. let's get beatened and broken , enough to loose every piece of us that remains unique and yet not enough to start again. let's for once become who everyone wants us to be , let's become students, workers , house wifes and doctors.
let's pretend and live in fear, in our little surreal , nightmarish little worlds - as it's the only place we know.
let's never finish anyt
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Hey guys!
I have no idea how did I think of this post , I just did.It's also very late at night and I've been stuck with classic literature a lot. I do reccommend everyone to read Kafka in one point of their lives. I do promise it's worth it. This post isn't suppose to be demotivating you guys - what I feel like doing is encouraging you into changes. New Year's coming after all, isn't it?
Have a great day , and the happiest year guys♥
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