pondelok 23. októbra 2017

A love letter.

Hello beautiful people.

Today I'm having a mellow day and I decided to write you a love letter.

Now, I didn't use the word beautiful just because I was trying to be cliché or to suck up to you. Today I used it on purpose. Today I've decided to define that word; and write you a love letter.

Now - define this Veronika. And try not to sound stupid.

I'm thinking of all of the average sixes in the world. All of the walking insecurities and bad jokes I can think of. All of the poor life choices and dumb behaviors. All of you 'sixes out of ten', all of you, the walking mistakes.

This is a love letter to all of you, beautiful people, who have troubles expressing yourselves and who are still learning, although you may feel too old or young or unimportant to actually admit so.
This is my show of respect to you still holding on and probably surviving 100% of your worst moods and days.
This is my own show of respect to your stubbornness - and to random act of kindness you show every day of your day.
This is my own show of respect to your way of expressing yourself , and to the fact you, beautiful people are trying to listen.
This is my honest congratulation - because it's not a shame to cry , and it's not a shame wanting to hide constantly.
This is my honest congratulation - because no matter how many times you disappoint yourself you keep on making the same mistakes. You don't give up just like that.

This is my honest hello to all of you , beautiful people being too afraid to go out and put yourselves out there because you're scared of others' judgment.
This is my honest show of love , as you probably don't even know your life may be someone's life's best part. /thanks a lot keaton henson/
This is my honest warning , because no matter how old you are it is your life and it is ending every passing second, so yes the fear of missing out is quite real.
This is my honest understanding of your feeling like a hermit - there is no one who fully understands anyways.

This is my honest disappointment , because now matter how much I tried to make this sound abstract and nice and honest, but the only person this makes sense to is probably myself.

But you should know, beautiful people - you should know it's perfectly normal to be alone. And wanting to disappear and never come back. And hide.

My name is Veronika, and I wrote this letter to myself .
Just so I won't forget.
Just so you won't forget.

utorok 25. júla 2017

I am an introvert , but...


I want to tell y'all something - I am an introvert.
Chcela by som vám všetkým niečo povedať - som introvert. 

I am an introvert - but I'm not horribly shy.
Som introvert - ale nie som príšerne hanblivá.
I am an introvert - but I'm not depressed.
Som introvert - ale nemám depresiu.
I am an introvert - but I'm not narrow-minded.
Som introvert - ale nie som úzkoprsá, to znamená že otvorene akceptujem názory iných.
I am an introvert - but I don't mind parties.
Som introvert - ale nevadí mi chodiť na párty.
I am an introvert - but I'm not afraid of challenges.
Som introvert - ale nebojím sa výziev.
I am an introvert - but I'm not always home on Friday nights, in fact I rarely am.
Som introvert - ale nie som v piatok večer neustále doma, vlastne to nie som skoro nikdy.
I am an introvert - but I'm not hating other people's company. I just enjoy solitude equally as much.
Som introvert - ale nie je pravda , že spoločnosť ostatných nenávidím, len si užíam samotu približne rovnako.
I am an introvert - but I'm not hard to talk to.
Som introvert - ale dá sa so mnou veľmi ľahko rozprávať.
I am an introvert - but I'm not hating everybody.
Som introvert - ale nie je pravda , že ľudí nenávidím.
I am an introvert - but I'm not scared of performing on stage.
Som introvert - ale nemám strach byť na pódiu videná ostatnými.
I am an introvert - but I'm not better than anyone reading this post, I just like to break stereotypes a bit.
Som introvert - ale nie som lepšia ako ty čo toto čítaš, len ma baví ničiť stereotypy.
I am an introvert - but I'm not a great planner, but rather the opposite - a natural improviser.
Som introvert - ale nie som dobrá v plánovaní, vlastne som prirodzený improvizátor. 
I am an introvert - but I am not always sad and quiet, in fact 90% of times I smile.
Som introvert - ale nie som smutná a tichá, vlastne sa usmievam 90% času.

I am an introvert - and I am sometimes very self-centered, focusing on what I love.
Som introvert - a som veľmi zameraná na seba a to čo mám rada.
I am an introvert - and I am socially awkward.
Som introvert - a som v spoločnosti neuveriteľne trápna.
I am an introvert - and I think too much.
Som introvert - a priveľa premýšľam.
I am an introvert - and I am very harsh on myself.
Som introvert - a som na seba príliš tvrdá.
I am an introvert - and I am single.
Som introvert - a som sama.
I am an introvert - and I want to become a better listener.
Som introvert - a chcem byť lepší poslucháč.
I am an introvert - and I am usually happy when plans get canceled :)
Som introvert - a som väčšinou šťastná keď niekto náhle zruší plány.
I am an introvert - and I make fun of myself all the time.
Som introvert - a neustále si zo seba uťahujem.
I am an introvert - and I do have a cat.
Som introvert - a mám mačku.
I am an introvert - and I do risky choices I can't explain to anyone , neither to myself.
Som introvert - a riskujem , čo nedokážem nikomu vysvetliť a vlastne ani sebe nie.
I am an introvert - and I am very talkative.
Som introvert - a som komunikatívna.
I am an introvert - and I am a nerd , who would always choose a Nolan movie over any kind of celebration.
Som introvert - a som nerd, ktorý by si vždy vybral film od Nolana pred akoukoľvek oslavou.
I am an introvert - and I like chaos more than order.
Som introvert - a mám radšej chaos než poriadok.
I am an introvert - and I am reckless.
Som introvert - a som často nedbalá.
I am an introvert - and I prefer expressing myself through written words, as I'm usually not good at making sense.
Som introvert - a radšej píšem , pretože keď hovorím málokedy dávam ostatným zmysel.
I am an introvert - and I enjoy being the entertainer.
Som introvert - a rada zabávam ostatných.
I am an introvert - and I am addicted to great stories.
Som introvert - a som závislá od veľkých príbehov.

I am an introvert and I'm certainly not better than you are. On some days I don't recognize myself at all , I'm almost 20 years old person who's probably suppose to know how to live - and yet I don't know how to bake muffins, or how to properly love someone. I'm afraid and naive, and uncertain and almost always worried about details.
And that's OK.

Som introvert a nie som o nič lepšia než ty. Sú dni kedy sa nespoznávam, mám takmer 20 a mala by som vedieť ako žiť - a tu som, dievčina čo nevie ako dobre piecť mafiny alebo ako sa zamilovať. Som vystrašená a naivná, a neistá a vyľakaná z detailov. 
A je to fajn.

Hey guys. Just a quick disclaimer - I really wanted to write about stereotypes quite a lot and I did, yet all of those posts were never published , because they were .. well, not good. I was inspired to do this by Sara Barellies' song Used to be mine.
Idk why but I felt like there's just too much pressure on anyone at this age , because you were supposed to find yourself earlier and be something, right?
So if anyone read this (if I still have readers) - please don't put labels on yourself. Also, you're not alone.

Len taký rýchly poznatok , naozaj som chcela napísať niečo o stereotypoch - a verte mi napísala som. Ale ani jeden z tých postov som nikdy nevidala, pretože neboli dobré. Inšpiráciou k tomuto postu bola pre mňa Sara Barellies a jej pesnička Used to be mine. Neviem prečo, ale mám niekedy pocit že na ľudí v mojom veku sa priveľmi tlačí,pretože už v tomto veku sa nemáte hľadať. Máte už niečým byť. Takže ak toto náhodou niekto číta - prosím nenálepkujte sa zbytočne. 
Och a v tomto prestereotypovanom svete nie ste sami. 

Have a good day and talk to you soon ,

sobota 4. marca 2017

On overthinking.

Hey guys.
So basically I had an idea about this post for a longer time, I just didn't feel like writing anything because I felt like I'm lacking pictures. Which I totally am, excuse that, but there was no time to go for a proper photo shoot as I was sick and weather's been pretty shitty. So yeah, sorry about that.

Ahojte. Nápad na dnešný príspevok vo mne rezonoval už veeľmi dlho , ale moja výhovorka prečo som nepostla je - nedostatok obrázkov. Budete sa s tým v tomto príspevku musieť zmieriť, počasie je celkom zlé a ja sama som sa práve vyliečila z choroby. Takže sa ospravedlňujem.

Anyways, today's post is gonna be about something I personally find very relatable - in fact , situations in this post are all my very own experiences. So I happen to be what people call an overthinker. Now, if this term is new or strange to you - basically I am someone who likes to not only think, but analyze almost everything - actions , people, events to an extend where it is no longer necessary or real , it's just a pure overthinking, I know what some of you people may think - this is a brilliant feature to be! It's true, overthinkers happen to be very creative and intelligent people who are worth being your friends, cause they're always prepared with their perfectly prepared plans!
Or you might think they.. sorry, we are mostly anxious people with no friends always home locked in our own minds and universes, too scared to go out and live in a real world.

Každopádne, dnešný príspevok som sa rozhodla napísať o niečom čo sa mňa až bolestivo týka - vlastne všetky situácie sú moje osobné skúsenosti. Takže - ja sama som ten typ človeka , ktorého anglický jazyk nazýva over thinker - niekto, kto všetko premyslí až priveľmi. Takže som presne ten typ človeka, ktorý rozanalyzuje všetko - udalosti, ľudí do bodu kedy je to úplne zbytočné a moja analýza nie je nič iné ako len moje myšlienky. Niekto z vás si možno myslí, že takéto premýšľanie je výborná vec - a sčasti máte pravdu. Títo ľudia sú zvyčajne veľmi kreatívni, inteligentní ľudia ktorých zvyšok spoločnosti charakterizuje ako niekoho kto veci rád a často plánuje. Alebo spoločnosť má predstavu uzavretých, neistých ľudí zamknutých doma vo vlastnej hlave a vlastnom vesmíre - príliš vystrašených žiť v naozajstnom svete.

First of all , the biggest struggle for me as an overthinker is decision making. You probably know I live and study in Denmark, that I participated in that singing competition or just randomly took trips pretty much everywhere available. Well, I must tell you something - I almost happened not to do any of these things, Not because I didn't want to, not because of a reasonable arguments such as terrorist attacks, or feeling of missing home, but simply because all of them seemed to me as such bad ideas! My advice for you if you happen to be an overthinker and you're forced to decide for yourself - risk as much as you can. You can always come back from where you've started, but if you'll never try you'll never know, Oh and don't you ever dare to write pluses and minuses, don't. It won't help in our case, or at least it never did in mine. See, when I make a decision that's pretty risky etc., I already know it might not be the best idea. I am very aware of everything that may happen , because I most likely already overthought it but seriously, if you're concerned just always go for an experience and don't expect too much.

Poprvé, najväčší stres pre niekoho ako ja je sa rozhodnúť. Pravdepodobne viete, že žijem a študujem v Dánsku, podarilo sa mi zúčastniť jednej speváckej súťaže alebo sa náhodne odcestovať kamkoľvek kde sa dalo. Nuž, musím sa vám priznať - všetky tieto "rozhodnutia" boli veľmi blízko k tomu aby sa vôbec nestali. Nie pretože som nechcela, nie pretože som mala nejaký dobrý argument ako teroristi alebo že mi chýba domov - ale všetky tieto "dobrodružstvá" zneli ako kopa zlých nápadov.  Moja rada - ak ste ako ja a musíte sa rozhodnúť o niečom dôležitom, riskujte čo najviac čo sa dá. Vždy sa môžte vrátiť, ale ak to neskúsite nuž tak ste si prekašlali šancu ;) Och a nikdy si nepíšte plusy a míusy. Nepomáha to , mne to nikd nepomohlo. Ak sa mám rozhodnúť a niečo mi znie ako risk - ja už dopredu viem , že je to zlý nápad a som si vedomá čo sa môže všetko stať, pretože už som to dávno dopredu rozanalyzovala, ale vážne - ak máte akékoľvek obavy spravte to bez očakávaní s cieľom mať skúsenosť.

There ain't a worse thing for an overthinker than to have a crush on someone. Okay, maybe being in love is worse but I can't say much about that one.See , when you're shy there is still hope for you - you might grab up some balls and ask that special someone out even if it's gonna cost everything in you. And if you're an introvert you're more likely gonna end up being asked yourself, I have no idea why. But as an overthinker - you're basically screwed. My experience with crushes is literally the same all the time. Let's not count good looking people you meet everyday but someone rather special who I happen to really like. Basically, there are like two possible scenarios. If that person talks to me I assume that they friendzoned me forever, and so eventually I'll end up friendzoning them and completely stop liking them because they'd probably never like me at first place. If that person doesn't happen to talk to me I am never gonna start a conversation ever because - well, if they liked me they'd talk to me first. In both scenarios, I keep thinking about my lovely crush to that extent I eventually stop liking them, without them giving me any reason to do so.

Pre ovethinkera nie je nič horšie, ako ked sa nám niekto začne páčiť. Dobre , možno ešte horšie je sa zamilovať ale o tom veľa neviem. Pretože ak ste hanbliví, máte stále nádej že nájdete odvahu a pozvete toho niekoho výnimočného von aj keď to bude stáť vaše "všetko". A ako introverta vás niekto pozve von len tak sám od seba - introverti sú zvyčajne celkom atraktívni. Ale ako overthinker ste celkom v prdeli. Moja skúsenosť s týmto je zvyčajne vždy rovnaká - a nechcem teraz zarátať dobre vyzerajúcich ľudí ktorých stretávate každý deň, skôr niekoho dosť výnimočného na to že sa mi naozaj páči. V mojom živote sú dva scenáre - ak sa táto výnimočná osoba so mnou začne rozprávať vidím sa ako ich kamarátka a tak robím to isté, pretože ja som sa im nikdy nepáčila tiež. A ak sa so mnou táto osoba nerozpráva ja konverzáciu nezaťnem , pretože ak by to bolo vzájomné predsa by sa so mnou rozprávali no nie? Každopádne, vždy to skončí tak, že sa mi táto špeciálna osoba prestane páčiť úplne, pretože to "premyslím" do nekonečnej miery bez akéhokoľvek dôvodu z druhej strany.

Wanna more? Okay. As an overthinker, I can't decide what to wear like ever. I often struggle when it comes to paying attention to one and only thing as I'm very often wondering about something I did
 hours ago. I'm guilty of over analyzing lyrics and thinking of songs and movies  way too much. I also love philosophy as to me many of these guys were just very smart overthinkers (just like me.). I'm being very annoying because I always apologize for everything and to everyone because I assume to think everything is my fault.

Ďalší problém  - nedokážem sa rozhodnúť čo na seba. Mám problém udržať pozornosť a premýšľam o niečom , čo sa pravdepodobne stalo pred hodinami. Často príliš analyzujem texty piesní a filmy viac ako je zdravé. A milujem filozofiu, pretože títo páni boli pre mňa neobyčajne múdri over thinkeri. A som veľmi protivná , pretože sa neustále ospravedlňujem za všetko a každému, pretože "všetko je moja chyba."

Also, I'd like to speak to all of you overthikers reading this. Don't be too harsh on yourselves, please. I know what I'm talking about, trust me. You are good enough and you're not a disappointment. Please don't ever underestimate yourself. Don't be too anxious about meeting new people , if you don't feel good enough in a society you're a part of then just don't be anymore, find a new one. If you think you're loosing people - it's most likely not your fault, or if so you are not the only part that made a mistake. So if you happen to overthink your own self next time, just be aware that your extremely loud mind don't have to be your enemy. Write, paint , make music - do everything to let your mind out, because it's most likely worth it.

Pre všetkých "over thinkerov" ktorí toto čítate. Nebuďte na seba príliš tvrí, prosím. Viem  o čom hovorím. Ste dosť dobrí a nie ste sklamanie, prosím  nepodceňujte sa toľko. Nebuďte príliš nervózni zo stretávania nových ľudí, ak sa necítite dobre v spoločnosti kde ste nájdite si novú. Ak máte pocit , že strácate ľudí - zvyčajne nie ste len vy ten kto urobil chybu. Takže ak nabudúce budete o niečom príliš premýšlať nezabudnite , že vaša extrémne hlučná hlava nemusí byť váš nepriateľ. Píšte, maľujte, skladajte hudbu, dostante vaše myšlienky zo srba von, pretože to pravdepodobne stojí za to.

Wow, I hope I made some sense, this post was done in less than half an hour - that usually doesn't happen. Have a great day all of you, I'll talk to you very soon :)

Dúfam, že tento príspevok dával aspoň nejaký zmysel , pretože bol napísaný za menej ako pol hodinku, čo sa často nestáva. Prajem ešte krásny deň . ozvem sa vám veľmi skoro. 
